Annual Members Memorial Service
By Financial Secretary Lois Rizzi
September 10, 2023

On Sunday, September 10th, the Putnam Valley Fire Department held their Annual Members Memorial Service.

On this day, we celebrated the life and service of 6 outstanding individuals. Family and department members heard heartfelt stories of their friends & loved ones, and how they helped so many people, both in and outside of the department.

Those members, along with years of service, are:
Ihor Wowtschuk 1975-1994
Kevin Gragert 1985-1991
William Ferrara 1990-1996
Carmelo Santos 1989-2006
Ron Cummings 1971-2023
Charlie Milo 1959-2023

Thank you to all involved, that work to keep this celebration of life and the service of our departed members going year after year.